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Understanding Dental Insurance in Germany (Zahnzusatz­versicherung): A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating dental insurance in Germany (Zahnzusatz­versicherung) can be a daunting task, especially for expats and immigrants or those new to the country's healthcare system. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to understand dental insurance in Germany, including coverage options, costs, and how to choose the right plan for your needs. In addition, we have also recommended some extra supplemental plans to provide nearly full dental coverage.

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Best Dental Insurance Plans in Germany – Quick Overview

In case you’re short on time, here are the top dental insurance plans in Germany to help offset costs which are not included with your public health insurance:

  1. Feather. Starting at just €9 per month, Feather can help cover all uncovered costs with two options (basic or advanced.) 100% English service with no waiting period. Go here to sign up.

  2. Ottonova. No waiting period, extensive coverage, three levels, super-fast reimbursement and 100% English service. Go here to sign up.

    Go here to calculate your rate.

  3. Getsafe. Simple to use, one plan fits all, 48-hour reimbursement, and 100% English service. Go here to sign up.

What is Covered by Dental Insurance in Germany?

Germany has the oldest national social health system in the world. Dental insurance is included within the scope of this system, however only to an extent that’s built around preventative care.

The coverage provided by dental insurance in Germany varies depending on the type of insurance you have. Here is a brief overview:

  • Statutory Public Health insurance (GKV) from AOK, Barmer or TK covers basic dental treatments, such as check-ups, fillings, and extractions. Some plans may also cover more advanced treatments, such as root canals and crowns. Read more details of public health insurance dental coverage below.`

  • Statutory Private Health insurance (PKV), on the other hand, offers more comprehensive coverage for a wider range of treatments, including orthodontics, implants, and cosmetic procedures. It is important to carefully review your policy to understand what is covered and what is not. If you have a private insurer like Ottonova, you have an easy option to add-on a top up insurance. Read more details of private health insurance dental coverage below.

  • Top-up Supplemental Insurance can be purchased for as little as 8.80 euros a month and can help cover all additional costs which standard (public) German healthcare coverage will not. This is a recommended option for everyone who has public healthcare coverage. It is often not necessary if you have Private Health Insurance!

What Dental Care Does German Statutory Insurance Include?

Those who are covered by a public Krankenkasse can expect their regular dental appointments to be covered, and partial coverage of most major dental procedures. This includes:

  • Bridges

  • Crowns

  • Dental prosthesis

  • Dental treatment

  • Dentures

  • Implants

  • Inlays

  • Professional Cleaning (Zahnsteinentfernung)

Dental insurance in Germany with public healthcare coverage includes only a portion of the costs for major dental procedures like bridges, dentures, and crowns. This coverage may only extend to 60% of the total cost. Over time, this coverage can increase to 65% after 5 years and even up to 70% after 10 years, provided that the patient regularly attends preventative appointments with their dentist.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to obtain supplemental insurance, as the cost of the complex procedures can be quite expensive. For example, a dental implant costs around 2,700 euros and about 400 euros is typically covered by the public healthcare system.

This approach is part of a larger effort by the German healthcare system to prioritize prevention over treatment, as it is ultimately more cost-effective in the long run.

Source: Ottonova.

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What Dental Care Does German Private Insurance include?

If you have German private health insurance, your level of reimbursement for dental care will depend on your specific plan. While it is possible to receive 100% coverage for major dental work, it is important to obtain approval from your insurer before beginning treatment to ensure that you are covered.

It’s important to be aware that some insurers may have an "exclusion period" for new policyholders. This means that you may not be able to make a claim for any dental work done within the first few months of taking out the policy. To avoid any surprises, make sure to carefully review the terms and conditions of your individual policy.

Why You Need Dental Insurance in Germany

Depending on which public healthcare coverage you have in Germany, you may only have 30-60% of the total treatment costs covered. In additional, specialty and more invasive operations may not even be covered. Supplementary insurance will help cover almost the remaining amount of the costs associated with your dental treatment.

Source: Feather.

This is important to consider depending on your family history. Genetics cannot be undone and typically if your parents and/or grandparents had dental challenges, you may as well. If you have had significant work in your home country, you will most likely continue to need dental care here in Germany.

For example, here are some expected dental care costs in Germany:

  • Ceramic bridge: €1,300-2,200

  • Ceramic Inlay: €400-700

  • Implant with ceramic crown: €2,500 – 3,500

  • Root Canal: €200 – 1,000

  • Professional cleaning: €50 – 120

How to Choose the Right German Dental Insurance Plan

When choosing a dental insurance plan in Germany, it is important to consider your individual needs and budget. If you only require basic dental treatments, statutory (public) insurance may be sufficient.

However, if you anticipate needing more advanced treatments or want the option for cosmetic procedures, private insurance may be a better fit. But, please note that private insurance (PKV) can become difficult and will affect far more than just the dentistry part. It can be nearly impossible to move back to public and can become far more expensive in the long-run.

One of the best options is to go with the more affordable statutory (public) German healthcare and tack on an additional insurance to further expand your coverage. Read more below.

Supplemental Dental Insurance Coverage (Zahnzusatzverischerung)

In Germany, both statutory and private health insurance plans cover basic dental treatments. However, for those who want more comprehensive coverage, additional dental insurance can be purchased. The cost of this insurance depends on the extent of the treatments covered.

German dental insurance options are available through various English speaking companies such as Ottonova, GetSafe & Feather. With up to 100% cost coverage, individuals can receive the dental care they need without worrying about financial strain.

What is the Best Dental Insurance in Germany?

If you’re an expat or immigrant in Germany, there are several great options which understand the challenges of living in a foreign country. They are English based apps which are very simple to register, navigate and file claims. Here are our recommendations.


Feather (partnered with a company called Barmenia) is a new and modern insurance company in Germany that utilizes a 100% digital and English based service. For private dental insurance, Feather offers two options, ‘Basic’ and ‘Advanced’. Importantly, your insurance will be put in place the day after registering… there is no waiting period, just be sure to sign up for this insurance before booking your dentist appointments.

We highly suggest visiting their website and get a quote. All you need to provide is your current insurer and your date of birth. From there you can easily see all your coverage and costs for the basic and advanced plans.

Basic Coverage Starting from €9 per Month:

Basic coverage services can be seen after a short questionnaire. These services and costs are based on your age and insurance provider. There is a limit on coverage your first and second year, 150 euros for the first and 300 for the second. All treatments, except orthodontics, have unlimited coverage starting the third year of coverage. Orthodontics have a 2,000 euro coverage limit starting the third year.  

Basic coverage includes:

  • Professional teeth cleaning

  • Dental procedures

    • High-quality composite fillings

    • Root canal

    • Periodontal disease treatment

    • Teeth grinding mouthguards

  • Anesthesia & pain relief

  • Certain orthodontic treatment

Advanced Coverage Starting from €16.00 per Month:

Like the basic plan, the advanced option is also dependent on your age and insurance provider. But unlike the basic plan, there is no limit the first two years, except orthodontic work which is the same as the basic.

Advanced coverage includes:

  • Professional teeth cleaning

  • Dental procedures

    • High-quality composite fillings

    • Root canal

    • Periodontal disease treatment

    • Teeth grinding mouthguards

  • Anesthesia & pain relief

  • Certain orthodontic treatment

  • Bridges

  • Crowns

  • Implants

  • Inlays

  • Onlays

  • Dentures

  • Other tooth replacement services

  • Teeth whitening (up to 200 euros) every 2 years

Restorative treatment is limited for the first four years and does have limitations if teeth are already missing.  This rate can easily be seen once you provide your insurance provider and age.

For example:

Source: Feather

Click here to get a quote from Feather


Ottonova is a private German health insurer which started in 2017 that has taken a different approach to traditional insurance companies. It is the first and only 100% digital health insurance company which offers all of its services in English with real-time support via Chat. No waiting period and reimbursement within 48 hours.

In 2020, Ottonova has won the most prestigious consumer product test for supplemental private dental insurance.

They offer three different levels of supplemental dental insurance to help get you exactly what you need.

Simply go on their website, drag the dial to show your age and easily compare costs and coverage of the different plans.  

Source: Ottonova

Economy Class Coverage Starting at €8.80 per Month

Prices are dependent on your age and are limited the first four years. The first-year payout limit is 800 euros and increases by 800 each subsequent year.  Once 4 years are met, payout is unlimited.

Economy Class Coverage Benefits include:

  • Monthly cancellation

  • No waiting period

  • 100% - Dental treatments like root canal, periodontal, and plastic fillings

  • 100% - Dental prosthesis (if public health insurance covers partially)

  • 70% - Dentures including implants and inlays

  • Up to €70/year - Professional cleaning

  • 70% - Functional analytical and functional therapeutic services

Business Class Coverage Starting at €9.81 per Month

Prices are dependent on your age and are limited the first four years. The first-year payout limit is 1,000 euros and increases by 1,000 each subsequent year.  Once 4 years are met, payout is unlimited.

Business Class Coverage benefits includes Economy Class, plus:

  • 85-100% - Orthodontics for children

  • Two professional cleanings up to 70 euros per cleaning

  • 85% - Functional analytical and functional therapeutic services

First Class Coverage Starting at €15.42 per Month

Prices are dependent on your age and are limited the first four years. The first-year payout limit is 1,250 euros and increases by 1,250 each subsequent year.  Once 4 years are met, payout is unlimited.

First Class Coverage benefits includes Business Class, plus:

  • 100% - Dentures including implants and inlays

  • 100% - Orthodontics for children

  • 100% - Orthodontics for adults (up to 2,000 euros if public health insurance covers partially)

  • Additional anesthesia services

  • Two professional cleanings up to 90 euros per cleaning

  • 100% - Functional analytical and functional therapeutic services

Click here to get a quote From Ottonova


GetSafe is a popular, all-digital supplementary service provider which is all in English. It provides a very easy to use interface which clearly identifies what is and what is not covered. They have a straight-forward basic supplementary dental insurance plan.

Prices are dependent on your age and are limited the first four years. The first-year payout limit is 800 euros and increases by 800 each subsequent year.  Once 4 years are met, payout is unlimited.

  • 80 euro/year professional dental cleaning

  • 100% reimbursement dental treatments

    • Synthetic fillings

    • Root canal treatments (70% if your public plan does not cover any)

    • Periodontal treatments (70% if your public plan does not cover any)

  • Functional analysis and therapy services (75%)

  • 75% Dental Prosthesis

    • Full & partial crowns as well as veneers

    • Implants

    • Partial and full dentures

    • Inlays and onlays


GetSafe provides a very clear overview of what is and what is not covered, for example:

Source: GetSafe.

Click here to get a quote From GetSafe

How Much Does Dental Insurance in Germany cost?

As previously discussed, basic dental insurance coverage is included in both public and private insurance plans. Supplemental (recommended) insurance policies vary in cost, ranging from about €8.80 (Ottonova) to €16.00 (Feather) per month for the youngest age group.

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How Much Does Dental Work Cost in Germany?

Dental insurance typically covers basic treatments, but more expensive or specialized procedures may require additional out-of-pocket costs. However, most insurance providers will still offer partial reimbursement for these treatments.

To reduce the risk of additional costs for seen and unforeseen events, it is also possible to purchase extra coverage from supplementary health insurers. This is recommended and several good options are available, such as with Ottonova.

Source: Ottonova.

  • Teeth Bleaching: €30-70

  • Adult Braces: €1,800 – 2,500

  • Ceramic bridge: €1,300- 2,200

  • Ceramic Inlay: €400-700

  • Implant with ceramic crown: €2,500 – 3,500

  • Root Canal: €200 – 1,000

  • Professional cleaning: €85 – 125

  • Teeth Bleaching: €30-70

Tips for Maximizing your Dental Insurance Benefits

To get the most out of your dental insurance in Germany, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • First, make sure you understand your coverage and any limitations or restrictions. Shop around for supplemental dental insurance to help cover the costs public insurance one. Remember most have a 4-year minimum until unlimited coverage.

  • Second, schedule regular preventive care appointments, such as cleanings and check-ups, to catch any potential issues early and avoid more costly treatments down the line.

  • Finally, shop around for the best dental providers in your area that accept your insurance to ensure you are getting the highest quality care at the best price.

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Emergency Dentists in Germany

Dental insurance in Germany typically covers basic dental procedures, such as check-ups, cleanings, and fillings. However, if you require emergency dental care outside of regular working hours, you can access the services of an emergency dentist through the Zahnärztlicher Notdienst website. This service provides information on dentists who are available to provide urgent care, even on weekends and holidays.

Hunting for additional insurances? Check out this additional posts to help: